Issue: 44-45
A Couple-Three Bonzos: "Introduction," Slow Learner and 1984
Terry Reilly
1999-09-21 Issue: 44-45 • 5-13
Traces of Blood and the Matter of a Paraclete's Coming: The Menstrual Economy of Pynchon's V.
Dana Medora
1999-09-21 Issue: 44-45 • 14-34
Subliminal Cues: Psychoanalysis and Entropy in Pynchon's Novels
Dirk Vanderbeke
1999-09-21 Issue: 44-45 • 51-64
"Hi! My Name Is Arnold Snarb!": Homosexuality in The Crying of Lot 49
Mark D. Hawthorne
1999-09-21 Issue: 44-45 • 65-81
Echoes of Narcissus: Classical Mythology and Postmodern Pessimism in The Crying of Lot 49
David J. Ferrero
1999-09-21 Issue: 44-45 • 82-96
The Linking Feature: Degenerative Systems in Pynchon and Spengler
Inger H. Dalsgaard
1999-09-21 Issue: 44-45 • 97-116
The Vagueness of Difference: You, the Reader and the Dream of Gravity's Rainbow
Michael L. Levine
1999-09-21 Issue: 44-45 • 117-131
"His Kipling Period": Bakhtinian Reflections on Annotation, Heteroglossia and Terrorism in the Pynchon Trade
Carol Schaechterle Loranger
1999-09-21 Issue: 44-45 • 155-168
Response to Steven Weisenburger's Response
Carol Schaechterle Loranger
1999-09-21 Issue: 44-45 • 171-172
History, Refusal and the Strategic-Essentialist Politics of Pynchon's Vineland
Stephen N. doCarmo
1999-09-21 Issue: 44-45 • 173-194
Burned by the Hangman: Puritan Agency and the Road Not Taken
Robert Daly
1999-09-21 Issue: 44-45 • 205-213