
Forms of Space and of the Chronotope in Pynchon

Author: Inger H. Dalsgaard (University of Aarhus)

  • Forms of Space and of the Chronotope in Pynchon


    Forms of Space and of the Chronotope in Pynchon



Any new monograph which takes on all of Pynchon's novels has my immediate interest and goodwill, especially one starting out, as does The Poetics of Chronotope (in the introduction), with a reference to Pynchon's novel venture into journalism, "A Journey into the Mind of Watts" (1966). Moreover, many of us–as closet-modernist readers, according to Brian McHale (cf. Kolbuszewska 126) –may also be tempted by the grace and closure promised by a book which seems to have lit upon a single concept with which to work through and explain an author's complete, complicated oeuvre. In this case, the ordering principle is suggested in Zofia Kolbuszewska's title–Mikhail Bakhtin's chronotope theory, about the changing relation between time and space in literature. Kolbuszewska describes her study as "based in principle on Mikhail Bakhtin's approach" (30), but her introduction suggests three ways her use of Bakhtin could in principle be questioned.

How to Cite:

H. Dalsgaard, I., (2001) “Forms of Space and of the Chronotope in Pynchon”, Pynchon Notes , 239-243. doi:

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Published on
22 Sep 2001