This index is as inclusive as manageability permits. It lists names, titles, persons, places, other entities, oaths, acronyms, and some concepts (for example, "die Brücke"). Even if, on a given page, the text does not refer to a character by name, his/her appearance is still cited, usually with a parenthetical notation of the pertinent pronoun, synonym, or the like (for example, "dead man" for Pierce Inverarity). The exception is the entry for Oedipa Maas, since she appears on all but fourteen pages. Many entries are also cross-referenced: "See" points to the same entity listed under a different term; "See also" points to a related term or citation. Fictional characters other than Pynchon's are indexed under their first names or titles: "Bugs Bunny;' not "Bunny, Bugs"; "Professor Quackenbush;' not "Quackenbush, Professor:' The entries merge citations for singular and plural forms ("American[s]") and for modifiers and substantives ("American troops" and "every American"). Corrections and additions are welcome.
How to Cite:
Curling, D. B., (1996) “An Index to The Crying of Lot 49”, Pynchon Notes , 69-81. doi: https://doi.org/10.16995/pn.181
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