
Letter to the Editors in Response to Deborah L. Madsen's "Narratives of the Visto"



Remembering that any publicity is better than no publicity, I should perhaps let Deborah Madsen's review of Pynchon and Mason & Dixon ("Narratives of the Visto," Pynchon Notes 46–49 [2000–2001]) pass without comment, especially given the time that has elapsed since both the book and the review appeared. But having just seen the review, I would like to respond to a few unfortunate assumptions made by Professor Madsen. Perhaps nobody cares, but it will make me feel better.


How to Cite: Horvath, B. (2002) “Letter to the Editors in Response to Deborah L. Madsen's "Narratives of the Visto"”, Pynchon Notes.(0). doi: