We would like to extend a formal welcome to Bernard Duyfhuizen, who has joined us as a third editor of pynchon Notes. The qualities and talents which long made him a valued contributor to Pynchon Notes now make him an invaluable colleague. Readers will recall in particular his fine essay "Starry-Eyed Semiotics: Learning to Read Slothrop's Map and Gravity's Rainbow" (Pynchon Notes 6), and his judicious guest-editorship of the special issue Deconstructing Gravity's Rainbow (Pynchon Notes 14). Since joining us during the late stages of preparation of issue 20-21, Duffy has also revealed a gift for management. He has brought a novel order and clarity to Pinch on Notes' business affairs, a term his handling makes seem a little less-grandiose. We are fortunate to have such an insightful critic, skillful editor, and good friend with us.
How to Cite:
Krafft, J. M., Tölölyan, K. & Duyfhuizen, B., (1988) “Editorial”, Pynchon Notes , 5. doi: https://doi.org/10.16995/pn.311
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