The conference is designed to be of use to scholars working within the traditional field of Pynchon criticism. At the same time, we hope to create a space for innovative approaches to both Pynchon and the themes in his work. Of particular interest are papers focusing on narratives of disintegration, Pynchon and chaos theory, Pynchon and cyberpunk, French/Continental philosophy and the thematics of schizophrenia as applied to Pynchon, or more specifically the work of Gilles Deleuze and Pynchon. Innovative essays on The Crying of Lot 49 will be considered, although the conference is designed to highlight Pynchon's other novels. To propose a paper, send an abstract (300 words) and a title. Notification of speakers will be made on 1 September.
How to Cite:
Krafft, J. M., Tölölyan, K. & Duyfhuizen, B., (1992) “Notes”, Pynchon Notes , 215-216. doi: https://doi.org/10.16995/pn.251
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