Referring at the close of his article “Plot, Ideology and Compassion in Mason & Dixon ” to the time of the novel, Tom Schaub designates it “the remembered futurity of a nation about to be born” (201). It is worth noting that since Romanticism the remembered futurity has been considered to be embodied in the image of the child. In what follows I will discuss the image of the child as a metaphor driving the narrative desire in Mason & Dixon. In my account I will rely on Peter Brooks’ approach to narrative in Reading for the Plot: Design and Intention in Narratives (1998).
How to Cite:
Kolbuszewska, Z., (2011) “Childhood as a Metaphor: Motif and Narrative Device in Mason & Dixon”, Pynchon Notes , 229-241. doi: https://doi.org/10.16995/pn.16
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