We can classify new studies of Gravity's Rainbow by their quotations a do they focus on the juicy set pieces--the colonies as the outhouses of European souls, the vampirish lament of Technologies for their funding, the stout rainbow cock-or do they regale us with felicities we had passed over? Both approaches have virtues, but the latter is decidedly more refreshing, and to this group belongs The Style of Connectedness. Thomas Moore by no means ignores major Issues, but his focus on connectedness directs attention to the interfaces, transitions, and "moires" formed by the superimposition of systems and patterns. Being reminded of forgotten details is one of the pleasures this book offers the reader.
How to Cite:
Hume, K., (1986) “Interfaces, Transitions, and Moires”, Pynchon Notes , 116-117. doi: https://doi.org/10.16995/pn.355
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