We are pleased to be able to share with our readers the news that Pynchon Notes has been added to the Master List of periodicals covered by the MLA International Bibliography, where it will be referred to by the acronym PNotes. We hope that this will make the contents of our publication available to a wider audience, and above all we like to think that this will encourage our contributors to send us more new material-on all of Pynchon's work, as well as on the links between the work of Pynchon and others. Ultimately, of course, it is our fondest aim to make this publication a meeting-place for those who think of Pynchon's developing oeuvre as a central text of contemporary American literature, drawing heavily on its past and on a host of disciplines while helping to shape the future of American narrative. We do not, however, mean to eschew controversy or even dyslogistic criticism.
How to Cite:
Krafft, J. M. & Tölölyan, K., (1981) “Editorial”, Pynchon Notes 6, 3. doi: https://doi.org/10.16995/pn.476
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