One of the many attributes which make Pynchon's fiction so fascinating to the scholar, the book-lover and the novice is the enormous variety of subjects it touches and draws on–something for everyone. A life-long practicing astrologer, I sense that Pynchon has a deep affinity for astrology and that he uses astrological symbolism in the construction of character, plot and metaphor. He does not choose his astrological symbolism casually or at random. (Pynchon was born sometime in the morning of May 8, 1937, in Glen Cove, Long Island, New York–was born, that is, under a Sun-Uranus conjunction. This conjunction corresponds to the aspect of electricity, paranoia, genius/madness, outer space/other worlds–the rocket.)
How to Cite:
Lannark, D., (2008) “Relocation/Dislocation: Rocketman in Berlin”, Pynchon Notes , 54-65. doi: https://doi.org/10.16995/pn.25
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