As with most great things, it began in a bar. We were basking in the afterglow of the first "Virtual Futures" conference, in May 1994. As usual, conversation turned to Pynchon. He hadn't come to the conference. And yet in many ways "Virtual Futures" was about Gravity's Rainbow. With pints at hand to ease a post-conference lull that marked the end of this interregnum and the reinstitution of order in our academic lives, we decided a conference detailing the impact of Pynchon on contemporary digital culture was the next logical step. Thus from the ashes of "Virtual Futures" arose the grim phoenix of "Thomas Pynchon: Schizophrenia and Social Control."
How to Cite:
Cassidy, E. & O'Hara, D., (1994) “Thomas Pynchon: Schizophrenia and Social Control”, Pynchon Notes , 7-10. doi: https://doi.org/10.16995/pn.194
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